Making a library a digital one

Mitar Milutinovic


PhD student at UC Berkeley

Working on a project called PeerLibrary

PeerLibrary is an online platform and community to facilitate the global conversation on academic literature

Available at

Interested in how to build user interfaces for collaboration

But main issues are elsewhere

Metadata – what is there?

Content - where is what?

How to do it legally?

Gross generalizations:

  • Digitalization and archiving of books and other publications
  • Publishers moved to sell online
  • Readers and content creators embraced the web and bypassed publishers

It is different from the web

Lack of diversity

Public libraries

Reading clubs

Lending among friends

Leaving a book on a bench in the park

Public libraries are more than just archives, they are also a public space

Public space with various interpersonal interactions

Have they been mapped to virtual space, virtual libraries?

On the other hand, there are many thriving online communities

(We all know them)

One click ways to read, write, share, like, poke

This lack of diversity is bad

It was never about a book, but how the book was used, what were social interactions around the book

In schools, in libraries, among friends, in a bar

How many social interactions you see around digital books?

Getting just a short snippet to decide if this is what you are interested in?

Is this really the best we can do?

How can we innovate and try new things, new models?

It is not publishers job to facilitate all those interactions

People do it by themselves, things you cannot even imagine

And that's what is missing – how can people innovate on ways we interact with publications now found online?

How can they find them, how can they like them, how can they poke them?


For a developer:
I register an app, I start using an API, I built something

Instead of taking few month to negotiate terms and a contract to use your content

When you do not even yet have a company to do that

How can we try new things to see if they work or not?

Publisher as a platform

To build upon

APIs to access the content

For free

For developers

(But under conditions)

So that others can start building search services, recommendation services, discussion platforms, digital classrooms, mobile apps, digital readers, cross-linking and cross-referencing tools

And market apps

Do we really want that Amazon is the only market for books?

It is not about a book, but social interactions around the book

Thank you
